Nursery Job Vacancies

What Is A Nursery ?


        What Does a Nursery Do?


   A nursery, also known as daycare, is a place that provides care and education for infants and toddlers, usually      up to three years old. Nurseries offer a nurturing environment where children’s needs are met, such as feeding,  diaper changes, and supervised play. 

 Nursery provides a routine and structure to your child’s day. These can include mealtimes, naps and a mixture of both indoor and outdoor activities.  Great place for a variety of activities and for children to bond with their peers.This routine helps them to feel more confident and secure, in control of their feelings and is great preparation for school.

What is a Pre School ?


Pre-schools also have to register with their education regulator and follow their country’s curriculum.

Pre-schools can be stand alone, attached to an infant or primary school, or part of a nursery.

Some pre-schools are run by charities and committees which are parent-led and are held in community buildings such as a village hall. These pre-schools sometimes ask parents to help out with things like fundraising, volunteering and more.


What is the Difference Between Nursery & Pre School ?


Nurseries care for children at a much younger age, from a few weeks old or even from birth, until they are ready to start school.

Pre-schools care for children aged two to five years.

Nursery hours support working parents so tend to be between around 7-8am and 6-7pm.

Pre-school sessions are more structured and tend to follow the same hours as a school day, so run in sessions that are around two and a half to three hours long. They take place in either the morning or afternoon. Many only run term time.

If the pre-school is part of a nursery, children can still stay all day, they’ll just have their pre-school session as part of the day.


What is Required ?


Pre-schools tend to follow the same terms as school and will be closed during half-terms and Easter, summer and Christmas holidays.

Registered day nurseries must ensure that:

  • all staff submit to a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) check
  • a first aid-qualified member of staff is present at all times
  • at least 50% of staff have the relevant qualifications
  • The premises have passed necessary inspection.
  • This ensures that all the premises used are safe and fit for purpose. 
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